Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY)
  • To display REBNY IDX on your website, you must be an active REBNY member, obtain broker authorization, and REBNY approval of IDX (with iHomefinder as the vendor). We will provide full instructions when you sign up with iHomefinder.
  • REBNY members are responsible for an annual $500 audit/compliance fee, paid directly to the REBNY.
  • Please note, REBNY IDX does not include Agent IDs or Office IDs. However, you can still create featured listings pages for REBNY, using your name (agent name) to showcase your own listings, or the name of your office, to showcase your office’s listings.
  • Not all brokerages in New York City participate in IDX, so not all listings on the market will be included in the RETS-IDX data feed for REBNY.
  • If your brokerage does not participate in REBNY IDX, we cannot provide you with our service.

Member Associations Covered by this MLS


Cities & Towns Covered by this MLS

Manhattan and Brooklyn


IDX coverage questions? Please contact us for more info.

About this MLS

Agents Allowed
Pass-through Fee
Fees Paid to Association
Contact Association
Large Photos
Open Houses Included
Sold Listings
Distressed Listing Search
Update Interval
Approx. 2 hours